Be Confident. Be In Demand. Be Career Ready.
Start building your professional brand and skills today with DCeXa.
Take the guesswork out of being career ready.
Learn how to build your professional brand. Grow your skillsets. Showcase your talents and qualifications for an in-demand career.
Core Features
Personal Branding Development
Structured application for all students and alumni to showcase digital skills and personal talent.
Brand and Career Training Courses
Training videos and course materials on the development of brand and career skill needs.
Skill Planning
Plan and showcase your applied skills to match with your ideal job or career path.
Host or participate in mentoring and self-mentoring events to coach and guide students and internal staff toward their career goals & strategic skill needs.
Talent and Skill Showcase
Attend in-person, virtual, and hybrid events with employers for jobs, advice, and mentoring on enhancing your skills and brand.
Direct Communication
Communicate, evaluate and hire in real-time with DCeXa’s fully integrated communication system.
Career Events
Attend in-person, virtual, and hybrid events with employers for jobs, advice, and mentoring on enhancing your skills and brand.
Talent Matching
Forum for job-seeking students and employers to search, match up and interact at accelerated rates.

Attend, learn and grow your professional brand with in-person, hybrid and virtual career events. Network with leading companies, learn how to build your skills, and translate them into your career.
What is a personal brand
Self-directed online module with curated content search.
Why is your brand personal
Guided reflection and discussion with Intrallect facilitators.
How to make your brand stand out
Course section comes complete with training videos and support.
The who: being your brand
Ongoing engagement and support by local academic and career services, plus user-group community support.
Contact Us
Have a comment, question or inquiry? Send us an email today and we will be in touch!